Pursuant to the PA Dog Law, the only way a dog can be classified as a “dangerous dog” is through a charge and subsequent conviction of Section 502-A. The offense of “harboring a dangerous dog” can be proven by establishing that the canine attacked a human being without provocation.
Prior to 1996, this statute also required proof of one or more earlier unprovoked attacks to establish “prior vicious propensities.” With the 1996 amendments, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania can obtain a conviction based solely upon the attack in question.
Attacked by a dog in PA? Call Attorney Newell today at 1-800-980-4842 to schedule your free HOME consultation. Put his 33 years of experience to work for you. Visit his website of www.PADogAttackLawyer.com. Follow Attorney Newell on Twitter @ www.twitter.com/DogAttackLawyer